Kefalonia is the beginning of a trip

Kefalonia is not just a destination. It’s the beginning of a trip, a blessing place where you don’t need to close your eyes to dream, because the dream is there in front of you. It’s a place where time is not enough to fully enjoy it and that you can never say goodbye, but on the contrary you keep it always inside of you as being an everlasting point of reference.
Even though Kefalonia is a known and beloved destination, it has not yet been saturated from the touristic point of view; Contrarily, it develops and adjust towards the new special conditions, and it tries to develop its infrastructures and build a relationship based on trust with its visitors by presenting and highlighting its various sides. “We want to love us for all our parts, not for our few” some Kefalonians say and they are right indeed!
The natural beauty with its coastal resorts, its culture and its genuine people are its greatest advantages being like the inlays that compose a unique mosaic tile.
The morphology of Kefalonia, its geographical asymmetry and the multi-variety morphology create needs that in order to be satisfied with success intense efforts and continuous struggle are needed.
Given the current economic and social contingency, Kefalonia gives the catch phrase of solidarity and of priority review. The focus is in the bonding of social base and the support of the people with important initiatives that will relieve them and point out the significance of the social welfare. Only in this way and with actions that cover all the spectrum of what human life is, can a place be loved so much.
An inevitable consequence of the exceptionally unpleasant situation that the majority of our country’s citizens experience is that this year, the Greeks that will go for holidays will be much more less in comparison to last year, the days of holidays will be fewer and the money that will be spent will be much less.
Because having holidays should not constitute a luxury but a need instead, many people will dare doing so and we have the responsibility to remind them or even trying to make to them known some important things about our islands.
There is no doubt that Kefalonia has uique “natural qualifications” . Everybody recognizes its beauty and the admirable natural environment that it has: the Ainos fir forest and its crystal clear sandy beaches, the Melisanis cave, the Drogaratis cave, the Fiskaro settlement, the rare geological phenomena, Mirtos, the beach of Xi, the Kounopetra, the Etheres, the monastery of Kipoureon…. Constitute only some of the most remarkable elements of our island which has exceptional landscapes.